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    call in

    call in - Dictionary definition and meaning for word call in

    (verb) summon to enter
    Example Sentence
    • The nurse called in the next patient
    (verb) summon to a particular activity or employment
    Example Sentence
    • Experts were called in
    (verb) pay a brief visit
    Synonyms : call , visit
    Example Sentence
    • The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens
    (verb) take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player Definition
    (verb) make a phone call
    Example Sentence
    • call in to a radio station
    • call in sick
    (verb) demand payment of (a loan)
    Synonyms : call
    Example Sentence
    • Call a loan
    (verb) cause to be returned
    Synonyms : call back , recall , withdraw
    Example Sentence
    • recall the defective auto tires
    • The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt

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text: Call mom! Call mom!
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